Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sum-er Sum-up

Summer is zooming by.  I can tell school is just around the corner, and I am anxious and excited and apprehensive.  I also feel like the weather here has been disrupting my ideas of a calm summer lately.  It seems like our whole country is experiencing strange weather.  Maybe it seems eerie to me because I've been watching all the Harry Potter movies in preparation to see the last two.  I also reread the last book.  Hopefully our strange weather is not really a cloud of dementors.  I had forgotten so much of what happens in that book.  It was a fun reread, but it made me realize why I don't read as much during the school year.  I get sucked into books and abandon all other activities and responsibilities.  Today I finished the book, but didn't brush my hair, shower, put on makeup, or wear real clothes.

Tom and I went to Bridal Vail Falls with my family.  It was warm most of the day, but right when we got to the falls, it started to rain.  It stopped within a few minutes, so we were able to take some pictures.
I like the way the falls looks in the rain.  The colors seem so vibrant.

Here is Tom looking dashing.
I wasn't quite as good at looking dashing as he is.  The wind didn't cooperate.
I like the way Telisa's hair matches the rocks in the river.

We are in the process of having tile put into our kitchen/entryway.  I am excited.  Tom and I have been trying to put our home in order.  I bought some baskets to help organize the top of our closet, and it looks very nice if I do say so myself.  I also got a new art desk at a yard sale.  The room with the computer and art desk is still a bit of a mess, but it's much better than it used to be.

Hooray for organized closet space!

1 comment:

  1. Love those organizers! Especially the flair of pink! When does school start again?
