Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Movie Editing Blues

So, as you may have noticed, Lovetta and I rather enjoy making movies. Our next episode of "SCIENCE!" will be coming to you shortly. Before we get to that, though, I just had to gripe a little bit. A few months ago, we bought the new iLife '09 suite, mostly with high hopes for the new version of iMovie that came along with it. Watching the previews of it, the program seemed pretty easy to use and not as bulky as Adobe Premiere (which the both of us are used to using to some degree of ameteurity). We've since edited two episodes of our show using iMovie and have gotten increasingly frustrated with it. It isn't as intuitive as we would have liked and we often find ourselves wishing for some sort of Frankenstein's monster of the movie-making world--a little bit of iMovie and a little bit of Premiere.

The number one complaint we have for iMovie is its lack of a consistent audio/video timeline editor. Sure, you could call the "Precision Editor" a timeline editor, but it's quite lacking. Cutting clips is a pain. Lining up your audio is a pain, even if you're scaled down to .5 seconds. Considering that this is most of what you spend your time doing, we've found ourselves yelling at the stupidity of it all. Lovetta wants me to be fair now. So, to be fair, I think iMovie makes a faster finishing program for things like transitions, subtitles, ducking, etc. It makes those kinds of things easier (though less customizable).

Premiere is just a beast to work through. While the quick, more precise audio/visual editor is nice, the fact that it allows for a lot of customization can be a turn off at times. This is why we had such high hopes for iMovie. So, we're going to do a little experiment (outside of SCIENCE!). These first two episodes will be done in iMovie. The third and fourth episodes--already filmed--will be done in Premiere. Afterwards, we'll see what we like and maybe post about it. Who knows? Maybe we'll end up using them both in our own sort of Mary-Shelley-type way...

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