Wednesday, June 24, 2009

SCIENCE! Episode 2

We're back! This time we tackle one of the supermarket's darkest secrets. How do you tell a ripe watermelon from its unripe brethren? In this three- to four-part series, we will use the INTERNET to reveal this great mystery for your (or at least our) viewing pleasure.


  1. I think a lot of the graininess does come from the seedless part. Lovetta - you need to look at the camera, not at the screen showing what you look like :) I hate grainy watermelons. Usually that does come from being overripe, I think.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Excellent instructional video!! Though I was let down by the performance of the actor playing "Tom". At no point was I convinced that his character was named Tom or that he had any interest in "ripe watermelons".

    On the other hand, I had the great pleasure of enjoying a truly inspired performance by the actor playing the part of "Watermelon". His interpretation of a "hollow thumping sound" was heart-wrenching in it's portail of true ripeness.
