Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Of Cuts and Computers

So Lovetta and I just got haircuts about a week ago. These are our same-day haircut shots.


This is us today, after a little stylage.

Lovetta decided that she wanted to go back to something a little shorter. I did too, though you can hardly tell the difference between the before-after shot (not like hers anyway). I'd say more about it, but the pictures speak louder than words.

On to more important and fun things. Like this:

I'm gonna let Lovetta now explain the awesomeness that is now held in her hands. Take it away, babe!

He, he, he... well, it is very nice. All I did yesterday was get it set up and play with it. Tom is always on our iMac, so I'm super excited to have a computer of my own. It will be very handy for school next year. I resolve to start writing in my journal again, write letters to friends on missions, and check my email.

We bought it from the BYU Bookstore with our tax return yesterday. Apple just had their World Wide Developer's Conference where they announced their new laptops. This is a discontinued model, so it was on sale. I got a free iPod touch, too. The iPod connects to the iCal on my laptop which makes it useful for scheduling things.

I feel very spoiled. :)


  1. You guys are looking GOOD! haha. And that computer - lucky Lovetta! That's awesome

  2. Tim! I should beat you for that "first" post. I'll have none of that shenanigans on my blog!

  3. Yay for your blog and hair cuts. Lovetta,does this mean I will be cutting my hair short soon as well?

  4. Nice cuts and sweet laptop! I'm jealous.

  5. The new do's look great! I am very happy to have found your blog Lovetta. I hope all is well with you these days!
